Friday, November 20, 2009

For some reason no one seems to be concerned about the cosmology of the Cloud. What are the laws that govern this large-scale structure? What is its provenance and what are its constituents? What is its value? How does it behave? How can we understand the Cloud in which our heads are in? 

The uninterrupted lining of the Cloud infrastructure does not allow peeks at its internal workings. Moreover, the symbolic weight of the cloud icon inflicts an immateriality that veils its doings even more. What we can do is pushing further epistemological assumptions and wait for a ray of technological light that can illuminate our lives of material boredom.

The allegory of the Cumulus hints to a dynamic architecture of conversion imposed on our streams, whose factual materiality is becoming more and more a real power structure erected on the pillars of its data centres. The standardised 19-inch rack frame structure is becoming therefore the universal foundation of our global village. 

A foundation provides a structure's stability from the ground. 
A foundation is forever.

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